Re: [creedtalk] Re: Re: Scott Phillips' hometown girl

From: "Kimberly Reid" <kimbereid@MSN.COM>
Date: Sun
19 May 2002 23:02:26 -0500

Poor Kyle, do you just not WANT to "get it", dear? 

----Original Message Follows----
From: ]\\\\[][G}{T§TÖ®]v[
That Flip has a hometown? Yeah do0d... that totally ROCKS!!!
Or were you talking about the weather there? I hear that some parts of Michigan got snow today... but I think it's actually rather warm in Florida. Are you sure you're not thinking of somewhere else?
Perhaps you need to answer in some form of depth for those of us who don't want to call a 1-900 psychic line in order to decipher what you're saying.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kyle Hurley
thats cool

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